Greg, Mary Lynn, Vickie and myself signed up for the 50 at Salamonie. It poured rain along with some thunder and lightening beginning at 3:30 AM the morning of our ride...
So, we saddled up and took off hoping to get The Lucky Ducks some points on this muddy ride. SS is a 17 mile lollie pop loop done three times. Fortunately, the rain was over and it didn't get too hot, but boy was it muddy and slick. VERY SLICK!
Mary Lynn got done with the mess after the first loop, so when the vet told her that Wiley was a bit stiff in the rear, she withdrew with a sigh of relief... Then Grand got pulled for lameness, so Vickie was out. That left Greg and I to try and get through it, and we did, but without Duck points...darn it.
Noways was feeling great, so we ended up in 7th place. Zelda was wisely ridden, and Greg got her another 50 miles.
Vickie rode Poppy the next day on the 25. He did great, and placed 4th!!, But alas, it was on a different day, so couldn't count the points...

Next was Ride Between the Rivers. There were only three of us riding this time, Vickie on Boo, Paige on Sully and myself on Noways.
Vickie got concerned about the way Boo was acting so dropped back to the 30. Paige and I were going to try to get another 50 in.
Camp was packed tight, as you can see...But it worked out fine and our horses had shade at least. Again at 3:30 AM, it started to shower, but lightly and no thunder and lightening to add to the stress...But, we did start out with our raincoats on...of course that was a hot mistake. The weather was good as it stayed overcast for most of the day. Didn't get too hot until the last loop, but still not bad.
Noways seems to get stronger with every ride. I guess by the end of the year, we'll be ridding with Deb and Lois...yikes! Sully was game and kept up with my little red headed monster, and we finished with a tie in 9th place! There were over 35 riders in the 50 and that many in the 30, so there was no 'pocket' to get into so I could get more it was go, go, go... Vickie had bad luck again, and Boo came up lame after the first loop...darn, no points for the Ducks again...But she sure made a great crew!
To top things off and make it a bit weird..Vickie had a blow out on her trailer on the way exactly the same place and ML and I did last year, coming home from the same ride...Fortunately, there was a 'tire changer' close by and she didn't have to wait the hours that we did...Lucky Ducks after all...
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