Well, we put in a good showing at Mike Chadwell's, Shelltowee Run. We had enough for two teams!!
Because CTR are graded a bit different than endurance we can only count Grand Champion and Reserve Champion for extra points. But, our Vickie tagged the Grand Champion of the 30 miler, so we did good!
Vickie ~ GC 30 miles = 60 pts
Mary Lynn ~ 60 miles = 60 pts
Paige (bonus rider) 30 miles = 45 pts
Amy T., 30 miles = 30 pts
Brenda, 30 miles = 30 pts
Janice, 30 miles = 30 pts
Every one, except Brenda and Janice, who rode for miles only, got a 1st in their weight division!!
And, OAATS has a new rule that omits Jr.s from receiving GC or RC... Helen pointed out that Paige would have gotten Reserve CH if it hadn't been for that...bummer.
The weather was a bit on the hot and muggy side, but a nice shower cooled things down later in the afternoon on the first ride day. Maestro, is enjoying the cooling off in photo..
Next ride: Top of the Rock!! Go Ducks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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