Sunday, December 13, 2009

Year End

Well here is our team looking good after a great year of riding!  The only Duck missing is Amy Green. Guess she ducked out...(couldn't help="" it...="")

Along with second place team placment, our Team Captain, Brenda Kenley got High Point Competitive Award, and Paige got High Point Jr. Award!

Way to go Ducks!!

It is the end of our ride year, and what fun it has been!  Horses did great, we got lots of miles in and no one had too much trouble...well, Mary Lynn is still without a horse, as Wiley is still on 'time out', and Vickie's boys always seemed to have had little nagging lameness problems this year. Paige got pulled at our ride, as did Vickie, and Brenda and Amy...Bummer.  But we still did enough rides, and placed well enough and finished well enough with enough team miles to pull off a second place!!!  It was really close though, only 97 points, so we have to buckle down next year and ride, ride, ride!

We have a new Duck to add to the fun this year since we can now have 8 members per team.  And new team members will be counted as bonus riders. And, bonus riders are always counted.
Welcome Peggy Angel!!

Time to start looking at our calendars!

Quack, Quack!